What is Montessori?
Dr. Maria Montessori developed the Montessori education method one hundred years ago. The Montessori method addresses all areas of growth; cognitive, physical, social and emotional. Montessori students develop the habits and skills of lifelong learning. Guided by teachers trained to observe and identify each child's unique learning capabilities, children learn in an emotional partnership with their teachers. Because the child's interests are heard and honored, Montessori students develop confidence and become self-directed.
Dr. Montessori once wrote, " When interested, a child becomes self-motivated. Self motivation leads to becoming self-disciplined. When self-disciplined, a child engages in a process of mastery learning and develops his or her own potential."
The Montessori method involves learning how to observe and how to develop learning environments in which teachers challenge each
child to extend fully his or her own unique style of learning.
The Montessori classroom is calm, clean and orderly. Social grace and courtesy are noticeable in the classroom. The teachers are engaged with the students and work together as a team, always keeping in mind that the child comes first.